Stefan Pedersen Dimitris Stevis

Annual Meeting of the Taskforce on Planetary Justice

A Session featuring Dr. Stefan Pedersen and Prof. Dimitris Stevis

About this Session

Organized by Taskforce on Planetary Justice

The annual meeting of the Taskforce on Planetary Justice is, as in previous years, open to all conference participants. This year's meeting will start with a brief presentation of the findings from the last year's Taskforce efforts, gained through the (expected) publication of a Special Issue on Planetary Justice for a major journal and the webinar series "Exploring Planetary Justice." The introduction and presentation, followed by some reflections on future work and plans, will take maximum 30 minutes. The remaining 60 minutes of the meeting will be devoted to an open floor discussion of topics relevant to the taskforce brief.

14 October 2024, 09:30 AM

09:30 AM - 11:00 AM

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Search Results for "Planetary Justice" on Taylor & Francis Online

Exploring Planetary Justice

Exploring Planetary Justice: Views from Western Europe

Exploring Planetary Justice: Views from Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean

Exploring Planetary Justice: Views from South America

Planetary justice: a systematic analysis of an emerging discourse

Planetary justice reconsidered: developing response-abilities in planetary relations

Power & temporality in pursuing transformative planetary justice

The self-work of planetary justice

Indigenous and traditional communities’ ways of knowing and being in planetary justice

What matter matters as a matter of justice?

Earth system boundaries and Earth system justice: sharing the ecospace

About The Speakers

Stefan Pedersen

Dr. Stefan Pedersen

Honorary Research Fellow, University of Sussex

Dimitris Stevis

Prof. Dimitris Stevis

Professor, Colorado State University