Prof. Dimitris Stevis

Professor, Colorado State University

About this speaker

Dimitri's research, teaching and practice are integrated around the social governance of the world political economy in the areas of labour and the environment, with particular attention to power, (in)equality and (in)justice, social divisions of labour, and just transitions. His work programmatically fuses academic research with political practice. He is the author of "Just Transitions: Promise and Contestation" in the Elements of Earth System Governance series at Cambridge University Press (2023) and co-editor of "The Palgrave Handbook of Environmental Labour Studies" (2021, with Nora Räthzel and David Uzzell). Dimitris is currently pursuing work on just transitions with the Just Transition Research Collaborative (UNRISD) The Just Transition and Care Initiative, and the research group of the Just Transition Listening Project. He is also the founder and co-director of the Center for Environmental Justice at Colorado State University and co-convener of the Planetary Justice Task Force of the Earth System Governance Project.

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Annual Meeting of the Taskforce on Planetary Justice

14 October 2024, 09:30 AM
Dimitris Stevis Stefan Pedersen

Co-Host Plenary Session - Making ‘Just Transition’ Happen: Exploring Coalitions and Partnerships for ‘Just Transitions’ at Multiple Levels of Earth System Governance

17 October 2024, 02:00 PM
Aparajita Banerjee Alexia Faus Onbargi J. Timmons Roberts Steffen Bauer Marie Claire Brisbois Sholahudin Al Ayubi Dimitris Stevis Jordan Mc Lean