Prof. Chris Riedy

Professor, University of Technology Sydney

About this speaker

Chris Riedy is Professor of Sustainability Transformations and Associate Director Learning and Development at the Institute for Sustainable Futures, University of Technology Sydney. Chris is an action researcher with a focus on sustainability transformations. He uses sociological and political theory, narrative theory and futures thinking to design, facilitate and evaluate practical experiments in transformative change towards sustainable futures.

Chris is an Advisor to the Transformations Community, a Senior Research Fellow of the Earth System Governance project, and is on the Editorial Board of Futures and Editorial Advisory Board of the Global Social Challenges Journal. In 2023, he Co-Chaired the Transformations Conference in Sydney.

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Transformative Transdisciplinarity in Earth System Governance: Lessons Learnt and New Ideas

14 October 2024, 03:30 AM
Chris Riedy Jasper Montana Mochamad Indrawan Carina Wyborn Ehsan Nabavi Rebecca Riggs