Knowledge Cumulation Needs for Managing Overshoot of the Paris Agreement

Organized by Taskforce on Knowledge Cumulation

What happens when countries fail to meet their climate targets to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius? This interactive panel will tackle the potential necessity of governing climate interventions and key governance challenges and knowledge cumulation needs in the implementation of climate interventions. Climate interventions are a group of technologies which could be used to address the ‘overshoot’ of temperature targets, atmospheric CO2 levels, and other effects of climate change. The session is intended to provide a high-level overview of the risks, co-benefits, and necessity of carbon dioxide removals (CDR) and other climate interventions as part of the climate action toolkit.

This panel will begin with three, five-minute talks by subject matter experts, who will lay the groundwork for moderated breakout room discussions. The three talks will include the following prompts:

  1. Whether current governance and knowledge cumulation approaches such as NDCs and multi-level scientific assessments are adequate to guide government policies on CDR and NETs at the state and international levels – Dr. Juan Moreno-Cruz
  2. How to manage and govern mega-engineering climate intervention projects – Dr. John Moore
  3. How to address the monitoring, reporting, and verification of non-CDR climate interventions (eg. SRM, ocean alkalinity) – Dr. Tyler Felgenhauer

After these presentations, participants will be sent into moderated breakout rooms (15 minutes) to brainstorm possible solutions to these challenges. All participants will rotate through each breakout room, to provide opportunity to engage across the whole of the range of problems and potential solutions. Notes will be taken during these breakout rooms and synthesized by a team from the Waterloo Climate Intervention Strategies Lab, who will present a brief summary of the work achieved during this discussion.

17 October 2024, 06:00 PM

06:00 PM - 07:30 PM


About Waterloo Climate Intervention Strategies Lab (WatCISL)

About The Speakers

Vanessa Schweizer

Dr. Vanessa Schweizer

Associate Professor and Associate Chair, University of Waterloo

Burgess Langshaw Power

Burgess Langshaw Power

PhD Candidate, Balsillie School of International Affairs

Tyler Felgenhauer

Dr. Tyler Felgenhauer

Research Director, Duke University

Juan Moreno-Cruz

Prof. Juan Moreno-Cruz

Associate Professor & Canada Research Chair, University of Waterloo

John Moore

John Moore

Research Professor, University of Lapland