Dr. Torsten Krause

Senior Lecturer, Director of PhD Studies, Lund University

About this speaker

Torsten is a Senior lecturer at the Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies, Sweden. His research involves the fields of forestry and forest governance, conservation science, traditional ecological knowledge, ethno-biology, and environmental justice. He is part of the MaCoBioS project (https://macobios.eu/) on Marine Coastal Ecosystems, Biodiversity and Services in a Changing World. MaCoBios is a four-year project funded by the EU H2020. Its main objective is to ensure efficient and integrated management and conservation strategies for European marine coastal ecosystems to face climate change. He is also part of the new 3 year BiodivERsA project EPICC (funded through FORMAS in Sweden) with a focus onEnvironmental Policy Instruments across Commodity Chains Multilevel governance for Biodiversity-Climate in Brazil, Colombia, Indonesia. Within EPICC I will study gold and cattle commodity chains in Colombia.

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Panel on Environmental Human Rights Defenders (EHRD)

17 October 2024, 06:00 PM
Britta Sjöstedt Fariborz Zelli Andrea Dominguez Noriega Catalina Quiroga Manrique Juan Antonio Samper Claudia Ituarte-Lima Ana Maria Vargas Falla María Andrea Nardi Torsten Krause