Dr. Philipp Pattberg

Professor, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam

About this speaker

Philipp Pattberg is full professor of transnational environmental governance and policy and head of the department for Environmental Policy Analysis at the Science Faculty, VU Amsterdam. Philipp is also director of the Amsterdam Sustainability Institute, a multi-disciplinary and interfaculty research institute at VU Amsterdam. His current research analyzes options for institutional innovation to help accelerate the sustainability transition in times of increased institutional complexity, functional overlaps and fragmentation across environmental domains. Philipp teaches courses on climate politics, International Relations Theory and interdisciplinary research methodologies, and is currently an adjunct professor at the Vienna School of International Studies and SciencesPo Lille. Philipp holds a PhD from Freie Universität Berlin (summa cum laude) as well as the Dutch junior and senior teaching qualifications.


Co-Host Plenary Session - Re-imagining the University in an Era of Polycrisis

15 October 2024, 02:00 PM
Philipp Pattberg Maddie Young Will Kattrup Kyla Tienhaara Jennie Stephens