Dr. Manjana Milkoreit
Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Oslo
About this speaker
Manjana Milkoreit is a Postdoctoral Researcher at the University of Oslo’s Department of Sociology and Human Geography. Her research integrates political science and cognitive theory to study actor motivations, agency, and institutional effectiveness related to climate change. She is also interested in challenges at the science-policy-society interface, including the use of scientific knowledge in environmental decision-making and the role of ideologies in advancing or preventing effective responses to climate change. Currently, her research focuses on collective future thinking (imagination), the politics of climate future making, and the challenges and opportunities associated with social tipping points. Manjana is the author of Mindmade Politics: The Cognitive Roots of International Climate Governance (The MIT Press, 2017) and a co-editor of Everything Change – An Anthology of Climate Fiction. She received a Ph.D. in Global Governance from the University of Waterloo (Canada) and a Master in Public Policy from the Harvard Kennedy School. Before joining UiO, she was a faculty member at the Department of Political Science, Purdue University (USA).