Jordan Roods

PhD Candidate, University of Technology Sydney

About this speaker

Jordan Roods is a PhD candidate for the Australian Research Council Research Hub for Nutrients in a Circular Economy (NiCE Hub). He is conducting research on the governance of a new circular nutrient economy in Australia based on the recovery and recycling of key nutrients (phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium) through the separation, collection and processing of human urine into safe and effective organic fertilisers. Some of the benefits of a circular nutrient economy for our agrifood system include improved soil health and biodiversity outcomes, increased crop yields, more sustainable water practices, and a healthier food system that is free from hazardous contaminants like microplastics.

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Just Pathways for Sustainable Food Systems and Farmers

14 October 2024, 01:00 AM
Oulavanh Sinsamphanh James Butler Leonie Pearson Jordan Roods Lain Dare Ro McFarlane