Dr. Carole-Anne Sénit
Assistant Professor / Senior Research Fellow and Journal Managing Editor, Utrecht University / ESG
About this speaker
Carole-Anne Sénit is Assistant Professor of Inclusive Sustainability Governance with the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development at Utrecht University, The Netherlands. She is a political scientist by training, with a career spanning both research on and practice in the civil society sector. Her research explores the integration of the Global South within global change science, global civil society, and global institutions. She is a senior research fellow of the Earth System Governance Project, co-convenor of the project's taskforce on the Sustainable Development Goals, and managing editor of the Earth System Governance journal. She obtained her PhD from Utrecht University, in joint supervision with the Institute for Sustainable Development and International Relations (IDDRI). Prior to her doctoral studies, she worked as a research fellow at CEVIPOF and IDDRI. She holds a 5-year integrated MSc in Political Science and Sustainable Development from Sciences Po Paris, and speaks French, English, and Spanish.